Whilst most manufacturers approach riding denim as a low profile option, these Trilobite Parado motorcycle jeans are unashamedly bike gear. Designed in the Czech republic and manufactured in Pakistan, they’re certified to CE AA standard and come with level 2 armour for hips and knees. I’ve worn them on a wide variety of journeys over the past 8 months and they’ve proved to be a reliable bit of kit whatever the situation.

Are the Parado jeans comfortable?

Comfort is where the Parado excel, which is down to the stretch woven into the denim, a large flexible crotch panel and accordion panels at the lower back and above the knee. They’re soft and flexible, with a little extra padding in the seat thanks to a large Kevlar reinforced panel.

One of their more unique features, when it comes to riding jeans anyway, is the zippable ventilation port on each thigh. These counteract denim’s natural resistance to airflow, providing an outlet that will not only keep you cool, but also help them dry out from the inside should you get caught in a summer shower. The crotch panel too is highly breathable.


Trilobite Parado motorcycle jeans | No need to stretch the budget for comfortable, practical jeans https://www.trilobitemoto.com/images/writtenaboutus/paradotest.jpg Trilobite®